Work Groups
Work Groups address key initiatives identified in the wound care community that aim to improve patient access to cutting-edge medical technology while reducing cost and time to market.
Current Work Groups Include the following below:

Identification of gaps in current wound healing versus the desired pace of innovating advanced diagnostics and treatments for patients, including regulatory, clinical trials, clinical practice, and preclinical.
Chair: Howard Walthall, JD
Officer Liaison: Vickie Driver, DPM, MS, FACFAS
Related Workstreams
Clinical Trial Standards and Reporting Workstream: Led by Marissa Carter, PhD
Pre-Clinical Trial Standards and Reporting Workstream: Led by Marjana Tomic-Canic, PhD
Dressing Standards Workstream: Led by Sarah Griffiths, PhD
Real World Evidence
Development of a standardized approach to use real world data in wound research and the role it plays in FDA approvals and public and commercial payer coverage decisions.
Chair: Lucian Vlad, MD
Vice-Chair: Caroline Fife, MD
Officer Liaison: Joseph Rolley, MS
Related Workstreams
Standard of Care for Clinical Research and Clinical Practice Workstream: Led by Maribel Henao, DPM, MSPT, BSMAS
Natural History Project Workstream: Led by Caroline Fife, MD
Identification of validated tools and methods for measuring meaningful clinical endpoints in wound research to develop a Core Outcome Set.
Chair: Holly Franzen-Korzendorfer, PT, PhD, CWS, FACCWS
Vice Chair: Francis James
Officer Liaison: Alisha Oropallo, MD
FDA Guidance Document Work Group
Chair: Windy Cole, DPM, CWSP, FAPWH
Vice-Chair: Mitch Sanders, PhD
Business Development and Planning Committee
Co-Chair: Phalan Bolden, NP
Co-Chair: Tim Jacobson